One adult barred owl, eyes closed, perched low in a thicket of hazelnut branches. One crow perched nearby, scolding.
Crow scolds, arching its whole body with each bright caw. Owl opens its eyes. Crow leaps into the air, dashes itself towards the owl, flips up at the last minute to perch just a foot away, yells out a challenge.
Owl closes its eyes. Sits, silent.
Crow shifts its weight from foot to foot, voice pitched higher now. Fluffs itself up to double size.
Owl sits.
Crow rises up again, and again. Swoops down on the passive owl in close tight arcs, screaming.
Caw! Caw!
Owl sits.
Crow perches. Rocks back and forth, takes a twig in its beak and tears it from a branch. Throws it down.
Tears another twig from the branch. Throws it.
Caw! Caw!
Crow grabs a branch, twists, pulls off a chunk, tosses it into the air.
Caw! CAW!
Stabs at the branch with its beak. Bark splinters off in all directions. Crow stabs again, and again.
The branch shatters.
Crow chisels out a splinter of pale wood and shakes it, tosses it into the air and watches it fall. Looks at the owl.
Owl sits. Owl does not open its eyes.